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Interested in Scientific Writing?

Aloha, and thanks for your interest in being a writer for Make It Make Sense: Marine Science Explained. We’re always looking for new views, ideas, and concepts. Please read our post guidelines below before sending in an application.



  • As this website is a non-profit, all writers are volunteer based.

  • Each post must be scientifically accurate and backed by peer reviewed, trusted sources. All references should be included in APA7 format at the end of your writing.

  • Posts should be between 400 and 1200 words (not including references or the header).

  • You will become a member of the site and post under your name, but posts will be edited and approved through the owner, Lauren A. Moe.

  • Read through a few of the pieces on Marine Science Explained to gain a feel for the writing style; you want to be engaging and fun. Everyone can regurgitate information from textbooks, this is not the goal of our site.

  • Readers range from middle/high schoolers to college and beyond. Each work will be designated as level 1 though level 5 based on terminology, difficulty, and reading time. Feel free to indicate the level you aim for, but the owner will make the final decision on this.

  • This application is for a single posting. However, you may be invited to write additional pieces in the future.


Send an email to with the following information:






How you heard about us:

Marine science focus or topics you’d like to cover:

Why you think you’d be a great fit:


Include a PDF of either: one past writing sample, or a post you’d like to publish (following above guidelines). Indicate which when applying.

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